Monday, January 24, 2011

Tel Aviv, by Way of England and Ireland

It has come to my attention that I have failed miserably as a friend.  Apparently almost everyone outside the law school has no clue that I'm studying at the Buchmann Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel this semester.

I will be spending a little more than a week in England and Ireland visiting friends on the way over before diving into classes.  The classes I am taking involve a lot of comparative law, which is the idea of comparing laws across jurisdictions.  So I will be learning about how to compare laws (and legal systems) between states and countries.  I will be also learning a lot of comparative subject matter (intellectual property, financial regulation etc.).  Finally, I am taking some class just because they interest me.  These include classes with such gems as "The Law of Military Occupation," "History of English Law" and "American Constitutionalism" for names.

Despite how fascinating those classes sound, most of my learning will probably take place outside the classroom.  I am pumped about exploring a couple of different cultures and seeing how another part of the world lives, works and studies.  The return trip is scheduled for early May.  I'll be arriving back just in time for David's graduation from high school, his Eagle Scout Court of Honor and the start of my summer clerkships.  All in all, it should be a whirlwind and hopefully, through these blog posts, you'll be along for the ride.


  1. Matt,
    Have a fantastic adventure! I am excited to hear all about it. I just asked Sims today, "What is Matt doing in Tel Aviv?" This is an incredible opportunity! See you in May!

  2. You're going to learn the law of Military Occupation from some Israelis? (ZING!)
